Celebrating design excellence with the new annual Holdmark Innovation Award

To mark the opening of Sydney Design Week 2022, the Powerhouse and Holdmark have announced a major new award to support the local design industry.

The new annual Holdmark Innovation Award will recognise excellence and innovation in engineering, architecture and the built environment.

Holdmark is committed to championing excellence in design and ensuring Australian designers, engineers and architects receive the recognition they deserve. This Award will enable us to celebrate the achievements of Australian innovators and raise their profile internationally.

The Powerhouse and a distinguished committee of leading designers and innovators will select one project designed in Australia in the previous calendar year that demonstrates outstanding innovation in architecture, engineering or urban design and planning.

The award will be presented to the recipients at an annual event during Sydney Design Week. A call for entries will take place in March 2023.

Sydney Design Week is an annual seven-day program presented by the Powerhouse featuring exhibitions, talks, film screenings and workshops across the city’s design hub. Holdmark is the principal sponsor of the week.

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